søndag den 4. maj 2014


We have just started the 6 week long project: Magazine.

The class have been divided in 5 groups with 4 persons in each. Each group have got their own genre from this list:
Science Fiction

Each group has to produce one magazine that all includes at least 4 stories out of the genre they have got. The four persons all get a certain role in each production.
The roles are:

This means that we won't get to draw the story we are writing, we won't ink the story we are drawing and so on.

My group has got superheroes, which is difficult because this is a genre that I have never been familiar with. To be honest. But I see it as a really, really great opportunity to learn and I have already used quit some time studying Alan Moore, Bob Kane and Frank Miller.

So this week we got the chance to use the things we learned about concept development with John. These first two weeks Lawrence is helping us with our concepts and story development. We have already started writing manuscripts so it is going pretty fast.

We have 4 stories that are all including a classic superhero. But the idea is that the superhero is not really the central part of the stories. The stories all have different main characters, who have in common that their lives are pretty miserable.

The four stories have the working titles:

I am writing "Superfan", which is a story about a girl who is obsessed and in love with a superhero who saved her when she was a child. She is spending all her time dreaming about him and one day she gets the chance to meet him again. After the reunion she decides that she will not live without him and she figures out an extreme way to get him to save her one more time so that she can ask him out for a date.

Next week will be about scriptwriting, sketching settings and characters, and Thursday we will start drawing.


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