onsdag den 12. februar 2014

20 Pages in two weeks

Enjoying the winter break after having spent two intense weeks working on the 20 page stories we started creating in 2013. Both of the weeks we got mentored by the American cartoonist Dean Haspiel who came all the way from New York to help us create comics. 

We all had to set a goal for the two weeks and my goal was to make all my 20 pages in pencils and I did that so that felt pretty satisfying. So now I am looking forward to go back and start  trying out with inking, lettering and coloring (maybe even in Photoshop). That is going to be fun, fun, fun! 

My story is called "The Orange Tree" and I did the pencils in A3. I will post the entire story when it is closer to the finished version but for now I have a couple of examples of how it looks at the moment. 

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