mandag den 28. oktober 2013

Design week 1

Last week we had the first design class with the concept artist Lawrence Marvit. 

Monday: We got the first assignment, which was to make a black/white A4 landscape consisting of 3 boxes at any size and 1 line. They all had to be at at an angle of 90 degrees and could not touch each other. The composition had to be as dynamic as possible. 

Tuesday: Was all about lines. The assignment was: Describe the taste of chocolate with lines. The description had to be based on an experience from our own life.  My direction was: Swimming in black, warm water while being hit by a cold stream.  

Wednsday: The assignment was to make an A4 landscape using the colors black, white and two tones of grey. This time we had to describe the sound of Miles Davi's album "Kind of Blue" by creating a composition of shapes. Again it had to be based on something from our own life. My direction was: Walking to my friend's house after having had a quarrel with him.


The last two days of the week were spent on creating a A4 landscape, again in black, white and two tones of grey using both lines and shapes. We got the theme "Circus of the Dead". This week meant a lot to me - for the first time EVER I drew a whole picture on the Wacom board. The result is of course pretty simple but the process making it was really great.


The Surgery

Some more work from the first two weeks with Paul Karasik. The assignment was: Do a 12 page story based on an important experience from your own life. I did the whole thing with pencil on A5.

torsdag den 24. oktober 2013

Introduction to sequential Art

These things is work we did during the very first course. This course was an introduction to sequential art taught by the American cartoonist and author Paul Karasik.
These two strips are from the comic strip "Nancy" by Ernie Bushmiller. The assignment was to finish the strips by drawing the last panel.
This is the "How to.." - comic. We had to choose a very simple thing a person often does and show how to do it in drawings. First we drew a 3 page comic and afterwards we had to cut it down to 1 page. I chose "How to make a bed".

onsdag den 16. oktober 2013

Franquin Style

The last week before autumn break we worked with the style of the Belgian cartoonist André Franquin. The assignment was to transform a short sequence from Cormac McCarthy's novel "The Road" into a one or two-page comic in true Franquin style. In the comic we were going to replace the characters with three self-chosen characters from Franquin's "Splint & Co." This was a big challenge - but a good one of the kind!

I made my page with brush and ink on A3.